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The Heart to Teach - Lives of Mindfulness Teachers (Part 1: with Leïla Parmentier, MBSR Teacher)

“The Heart to Teach” series – Lives of Mindfulness Teachers

Why do mindfulness teachers do what they do? How did they come into practice? How do they practice mindfulness in their own lives?

“The Heart to Teach” is a relaxed conversation to explore the lives of Mindfulness Teachers, delving into their experiences with mindfulness, their reasons for teaching, and the joys and difficulties of teaching. The chat is hosted by Carmen Teo, Certified MBSR Teacher, Teacher Mentor/Trainer

The Heart to Teach (Part 1): With Leïla Parmentier, MBSR Qualified Teacher

Date & Time: Friday, 22 November 2024, 12noon to 1pm (SGT)

Venue: Zoom online (Registration Link:  Click here)

BioLeïla Parmentier discovered mindfulness meditation in 2016, during a year break, after having experienced burnout. She has worked in the Banking Industry for close to 15 years, and today she is passionate about teaching the MBSR program and Mindfulness in the workplace.

November 27

MBSR Teacher Training Intensive (TTI) Information Session